4 Bank Street

*This application has been appealed: Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) Case No. OLT-24-000395*

Ward: 1

Applicant: Celeste Phillips Planning Inc. on behalf of Centre West Management Ltd.

Date of 1st Submission being “Deemed Complete”: January 27, 2023.

Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment (File No. Z1-23)

Date of Public Meeting: November 1, 2023.

If a second meeting is required, when will it be held? To be Determined by Staff.

Description of the original proposed development

58 Vernon Street, Angus, is a vacant lot on the west side of Bank Street. It resides approximately 50 metres north of Centre Street and is situated among single-detached homes.

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would initially re-zone the lands from the existing Residential (R1) Zone to a Residential, Low Density, Townhome (R3-site specific) Zone to permit the construction of 10 townhomes. The Township is currently awaiting an updated proposal in relation to the application which may change details of the initial proposal. The site plan displayed above represents a concept of the new proposal.

The Township is in receipt of materials intended to support the Application, which can be accessed by contacting the Township Planning Department.

Please take notice that Zoning By-law Amendment application Z1-23, relating to 4 Bank Street, has been appealed to the OLT pursuant to Section 34(11) of the Planning Act.

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