Roads & Sidewalks

The Township of Essa Public Works Department maintains all Township roads and sidewalks that have been assumed under its jurisdiction.  As such, they are responsible for maintenance of approximately 258 kilometres of local roads (urban and rural) and 29 kilometres of sidewalks in urban areas.

Municipal Law Enforcement Officers are responsible for enforcement of all parking related matters.

Most local roads are owned by the Township of Essa, with the exception of roads that are assumed and under the jurisdiction of the County of Simcoe and the Ministry of Transportation. 

The following roads are not under the jurisdiction of the Township of Essa, and as such, maintenance is performed by upper tier levels of government (County of Simcoe or Ministry of Transportation): 

  • Highway 89
  • County Roads 10, 15, 21, 27, 56, 90 (Mill Street)

Report an Issue for Roads or Sidewalks

If you would like to report an issue on our roads or sidewalks, please complete and submit the Report an Issue form.

Traffic Calming

Traffic calming uses the combination of mainly physical measures that alter driver behavior to reduce the potential of negative effects of motor vehicle use, and improve conditions for alternate modes of transportation.  Traffic calming measures combined with engineering, educational and enforcement tools, can significantly improve the safety of neighbourhoods and related roads.

The policy can be used in some neighbourhoods to:

  • Increase the safety of neighbourhoods
  • Improve the livability of neighbourhoods
  • Restore streets to their intended function
  • Maintain access routes for emergency services, public transit, and maintenance devices
  • Promote public participation & community support

On September 19th, 2018, Essa's Traffic Calming Policy was adopted by Council. 

If you feel you have a situation in your neighbourhood that could benefit from traffic calming methods, please carefully review the Traffic Calming Policy and if the situation warrants it, complete the Traffic Calming Request Form and submit it according to the instructions in the Form.

If you have any questions concerning the Traffic Calming Policy, please contact the ​Manager of Public Works at extension 135.

Backgrounder on Speed Limits

Adopt-a-Road Program

The Adopt-a-Road Program is a Township-wide program that encourages community involvement in the maintenance of Township roadsides, and is open to community groups and individuals who want to take an active role in enhancing the quality of life in our community.  Essa partners with local groups or individuals to clean up sections of roadsides. 

Groups adopting a road enter into a three-year agreement with the Township of Essa.  Under this agreement, a clean-up must be held at least twice a year along a 2 kilimetre stretch of road.  The Township will install a sign at each end of the adopted section of road right-of-way to recognize the efforts of the community group or individual.  The Township also provides safety vests, garbage bags, information, etc., and picks up the garbage bags collected during the roadside clean-up.

If you are interested in becoming an Adopt-a-Road partner with the municipality, please contact the Public Works Department at 705-424-9917 ext. 114, or visit the Administration Centre to speak to a member of the Public Works Department.

We appreciate your interest in this valuable program!

Reduced Load Restrictions

In an effort to provide our municipal roads time to shed winter frost, reduced load restrictions are in effect, as outlined in By-law 2009-42, from March 1st to May 1st each calendar year.  

The reason for reduced load restrictions is that:

  • as frost comes out of the ground and moisture comes out of the road bed, roads become softer and weaker
  • heavy loads on roads can cause it to sink and break apart, which can lead to permanent damage
  • the restrictions reduce the need of having to re-build a road after every spring thaw (this would become quite costly for our taxpayers)

How can residents help?

  • Consider alternate routes when reduced load restrictions are in effect, as your road might be off limits to heavy transports. 
    • There may be alternate routes that can be taken to reach your destination.  If this is not possible, contact the Public Works Department to see if you can seek an exception.
  • If your building project takes place in the spring, knowing about the reduced load restrictions in your area will help you with planning your project.


Every day, hundreds of people use Essa's sidewalks to exercise, travel or shop.  Broken or damaged sidewalks are not only an eyesore and an inconvenience, they're also a safety hazard.  The major causes of sidewalk damage are:

  • uplifting by tree roots
  • vehicles (especially trucks) driving on the sidewalk
  • deterioration due to age.

Sidewalks can be kept safe by keeping:

  • all vegetation from overgrowing sidewalks
  • tree limbs from obstructing sidewalks by making sure they are at least eight feet above sidewalks.

Please report damaged sidewalks to the Public Works Department by calling us at 705-424-9917 ext. 114.

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