Land Use Planning

Land Use Planning

The Township of Essa's Planning Department frequently undertakes research and studies related to provincial policies as well as issues that affect our community's development.

Policies such as the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) and A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe are used to evaluate and guide our development review and approval process. For more information on Planning policy within Essa and the documents previously mentioned, please see the Essa Planning Policy webpage.

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment

The Township of Essa has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) to develop an Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) for the Community of Angus. The purpose of the IMP is to complete a 25-year forecast of proposed capital projects for water, wastewater and transportation servicing requirements to facilitate future growth expected in Angus. Existing conditions stormwater management modeling was also developed as part of the project. The IMP will also further assist the Township with the on-going development of their municipal infrastructure asset management plan (including modeling) for the Community of Angus.

Notice of Completion 
Report Appendices
Summary Report

Official Plan

The Township of Essa's Official Plan presents a vision for the future growth of our community.  This includes land designation, built form, transportation, heritage and the environment.  

Zoning By-law

The Township of Essa's Comprehensive Zoning By-law (2003-50) is the primary tool that determines the permitted uses and property standards.  The Zoning By-law creates land use zones specifying how properties may be used and outlines the built form guidelines.

A Minor Variance is a proposed change to a property which does not conform to the requirements of the Zoning By-law. A minor variance approval allows the property owner to obtain a building permit even though their property does not comply precisely with the Zoning By-law. The Committee of Adjustment that operates under the Planning Act will determine if the changes are appropriate.

Land Budget

To support the Township's growth management and conservation strategies, the Township has been working to assist with the Simcoe County Land Budget. The Simcoe County Land Budget is a planning tool used to assist the County and its member municipalities to sustainably accommodate population and employment growth in the County until 2031. The County Land Budget has been in development since 2008, and has evolved to accommodate changes in relevant policy and adopt new data collection techniques.

The Land Budget is comprised of distinct phases that will be released separately. The first phase focuses on population growth and residential development. Phase1: the Essa Growth Strategy is available below. The second phase will focus on employment growth and economic development. This is still in development. Planning Report PD015-23 describes the progress of Essa's OP. It is expected that a draft of a new OP may be available in the fall of 2016. The Township website will be used to advertise future public meetings.

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