8949 Smith Road>
Ward: 2
Applicant: Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of TC Land Inc.
Date of 1st Submission being “Deemed Complete”: November 10, 2023.
Subject: Site Plan Control (File No. SP3-23).
Date of Public Meeting: February 21, 2024.
If a second meeting is required, when will it be held? February 5th, 2025.
Description of original proposed development
8949 Smith Road, Essa, is designated both Rural and Industrial in the Essa Official Plan and zoned Agricultural (A) Zone and General Industrial (M1) Zone in the Essa Zoning By-law (2003-50). It is situated along the south-eastern intersection of the County Road 90 corridor and Smith Road, and on the west side of an existing industrial park which runs along County Road 56.
Lands to the south and to the west (across Smith Road) appear to be occupied by agricultural uses.
The applications previously proposed the development of twenty-eight industrial (28) Blocks; twenty-five (25) of which will be used for industrial uses, two (2) for the purpose of SWM Blocks and one (1) for an Environmental Protection Block. To permit this use, the applicant is therefore seeking a redesignation to Industrial for a portion of the lands currently designated Rural, as well as a rezoning to “General Industrial (M1)” Zone for the lands in the existing “Agricultural (A)” Zone.
The application was heard at a Public Meeting on February 21, 2024.
The applicant has recently revised the proposal to allow TC Land Inc. to relocate their existing business to the subject property which would consist of Outdoor Storage areas, eight (8) warehouse buildings/workshop, and one (1) office building all incidental to their lumber operation. The applicant has submitted three (3) planning applications to allow for the following:
1. The proposed OPA would allow the applicant to redesignate the Rural portion of the subject lands to Industrial, Transport Utility, Commercial, and Residential. An Illustration is provided in the 3rd Submission Cover Letter.
2. In tandem with the OPA, the proposed ZBA would allow the applicant to rezone the portion of the subject lands which are currently zoned Agricultural (A) to Industrial with Special Provisions (M1-XX), Public Services (PS), Residential, Low Density, Detached (R1), and Core Commercial (C2).
3. The proposed Site Plan Control proposes to develop a commercial building (office), a eight (8) coverall storage buildings, a workshop (inside one of the storage buildings), and two (2) outdoor storage areas.
The above-mentioned will no longer be associated with the proposed Plan of Subdivision for the development of the twenty-eight (28) industrial Blocks
Council voted to approve the Official Plan Amendment (OPA47) and Zoning By-law Amendment (Z15-23) on March 5th, 2025. The Site Plan Control application (SP3-23) is still on-going and the applicant is working towards addressing concerns of staff, agencies, and residents.