Essa Planning Policy

Essa Planning Policy

Planning for land use in the Province of Ontario is conducted within a tiered system of by-laws, each progressively building upon the framework of policy documents set by the province. The Planning Act is the primary document for this framework, and it is intended to set the basic regulations for conducting provincial and municipal planning processes and decisions. See below for details of each document, in descending order of precedence.

Planning Act

The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, is provincial legislation that sets out the ground rules for land use planning in Ontario. It describes how land uses may be controlled, and who may control them, including delegating powers and describes planning responsibilities for The Minister, the council of a municipality, a local board, a planning board and the Tribunal.

More information describing the purpose of the Act can be found here.

Link: Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13 (

Provincial Planning Statement, 2024

The Provincial Planning Statement (PPS), 2024, is a streamlined province-wide land use planning policy framework that replaces both the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 and A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2019 while building upon the housing-supportive policies from both documents. The document provides the policy direction on matters of provincial interest and is specifically intended to provide municipalities with the tools and flexibility needed to build more homes.

Link: Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 |

  • To be added to the Provincial planning framework In October of 2024.

Provincial Policy Statement

The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), 2020, provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development. The PPS sets the policy foundation for regulating the development and use of land in the Province of Ontario.

Link: Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 |

  • To be replaced by the Provincial Planning Statement, 2024.

Places to Grow Act, 2005

Bill 136, Places to Grow Act, 2005, is provincial legislation which is intended to:

  • to enable decisions about growth to be made in ways that sustain a robust economy, build strong communities and promote a healthy environment and a culture of conservation;
  • to promote a rational and balanced approach to decisions about growth that builds on community priorities, strengths and opportunities and makes efficient use of infrastructure;
  • to enable planning for growth in a manner that reflects a broad geographical perspective and is integrated across natural and municipal boundaries;
  • to ensure that a long-term vision and long-term goals guide decision-making about growth and provide for the co-ordination of growth policies among all levels of government.

Link: Bill 136, Places to Grow Act, 2005 - Legislative Assembly of Ontario (

Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe

The Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) is a region within Ontario characterized by a high density of population, economic activity, significant ecological and hydrological natural environments, and productive farmland.

A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH), also called A Place to Grow or This Plan, is intended to address planning policy for to the key challenges that the region continues to face over the coming decades with enhanced policy directions.

This Plan is issued under the authority of section 7 of the Places to Grow Act, 2005.

Link: A Place to Grow: Growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe |

  • To be replaced by the Provincial Planning Statement, 2024.

County of Simcoe Official Plan

The County of Simcoe Official Plan, Office Consolidation February 2023, applies to the sixteen Towns and Townships, referred to collectively as local municipalities, which constitute the County of Simcoe. The Plan is a broad policy document which is implemented through local municipal official plans and amendments, zoning bylaws, and subdivision approvals, together with long-term transportation, sewer, water, and waste management plans, environmental studies, watershed management plans, financial programs, capital budgets, economic development initiatives, and human services plans.

The County Official Plan is prepared under the Planning Act R.S.O 1990 c.P. 13, as amended, (Planning Act) of the Province of Ontario. As per the policies of the Planning Act, where an official plan is in effect, no public work shall be undertaken and no bylaw shall be passed for any purpose that does not conform therewith. The Act further states that local official plans and zoning bylaws shall be brought into conformity with the County Official Plan.

Link: County Official Plan - Simcoe County

Township of Essa Official Plan

The Official Plan (OP), 2001, contains the Township's growth management strategy which is connected to the policy direction provided by the Ontario Government with strategies for conservation, natural and cultural resources, and economic development. The Official Plan is currently under review as a new plan is developed in collaboration between the Township staff, their agents and the residence of the Township of Essa.

Link: Essa Official Plan - Essa Township

Official Plan Review Link: Official Plan Review - Essa Township

Township of Essa Zoning By-law

The Zoning By-law 2003-50 creates land-use designations specifying how properties may be used and outlines the build form guidelines.

Link: Essa Zoning By-law - Essa Township

Related Policies: 

Conservation Authorities Act

The Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.27, is provincial legislation that establishes the purpose and objectives of conservation authorities within Ontario. Conservation authorities develop and deliver local watershed-based resource management programs on behalf of the province and municipalities.

More information describing the purpose of the Act can be found here.

Link: Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.27 (


Nottawasaga Valley Integrated Watershed Management Plan

The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority is the regional conservation authority responsible for providing for the organization and delivery of programs and services that further the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources in watersheds within the Township of Essa.

The Integrated Watershed Management Plan, 2019, is a document that is intended to inspire those who live, work and play in the Nottawasaga Valley watershed to appreciate and engage in actions to maintain and enhance the natural resources within the watershed. The plan provides a framework to guide watershed management efforts to maintain and enhance the watershed’s natural heritage resources.

The NVCA provide regulative authority through the policies outlined in the Conservation Authorities Act and subsequent provincial policies and regulations.

Link: Planning Guidelines - The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (


Township of Essa Engineering Design Standards

The Township of Essa's Engineering Design Standards and Specifications Manual, including the Essa Standard Drawings (“the Manual with Standard Drawings”) is intended as a guideline to:

  1. provide a good engineering basis for subdivision design;
  2. establish a uniform criterion of minimum standards; and

   iii. improve processing of subdivision plans and agreements in the Township of Essa.

Link: Engineering Design Standards - Essa Township


Citizen’s guide to land use planning

A webpage dedicated to communicating the planning process within the Province of Ontario, especially with regard to changes to the process such as the passing of amending Bills and the creation of new policy documents.

Link: Citizen’s guide to land use planning |


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