Plans, Reports and Studies

Community safety and well-being is the ideal state of a sustainable community where everyone is safe, has a sense of belonging, opportunities to participate, and where individuals and families are able to meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income, and social and cultural expression.

Per subsection 223.6(3) of the Municipal Act, the following Reports from Essa's Integrity Commissioner are available to the public for viewing:

The Township of Essa is undertaking an​ update to their Official Plan document, and your input is needed. The Township's current Official Plan was put into effect on July 6, 2001. 

Notice of Study Completion

The Township of Essa is experiencing new growth and development. To strategically prepare for this growth, the Township has prepared the Transportation and Trails Master Plan (TTMP) which will inform and guide infrastructure investments, policies, and strategies for the transportation network over the next 20 years and beyond.

The TTMP was developed following the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment master planning process and with input from the community through extensive public consultation. Thank you to all those who participated and provided feedback.

The Township plans to provide a multi-modal network that allows users of all ages and abilities to access all modes of transportation, contributing to a connected and resilient community by 2043. This includes:

  • Identifying roadway capacity and intersection improvements

  • Expanding the existing trails network

  • Developing policies for traffic calming, parking, and pedestrian crossings

This Notice of Completion places the Transportation and Trails Master Plan on public record for a 30-day review period beginning October 21, 2024. The review period ends on November 19, 2024.

View the Report
The Draft Transportation and Trails Master Plan that has been endorsed by Council is posted on the Town’s website and is available for viewing and commenting via email.

Contact Information

Other comments or questions? Please feel free to contact:

Michael Mikael, P.Eng

Brett Sears, MCIP RPP

Chief Administrative Officer

Senior Project Manager

Township of Essa

WSP Canada Inc.

705-424-9917 ext. 135


Notice issued: October 21, 2024

Transportation and Trails Master Plan Document

Please be advised that the following reports can be obtained at the Essa Administration Centre at no charge:

Operational Plan for the Township of Essa DWS (Angus, Baxter Distribution, & Thornton)

Ontario Regulation 170/03 Schedule 11​ Summary Reports

Ontario Regulation 170/03 Schedule 22 Summary Reports

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